10 killer Raspberry Pi projects (Collection 1&2)

Pi-ning for more air time


 Environmental monitoring with AirPi

Solar power to the max

The Gearhead Raspberry Pindex

Mark Gibbs on Twitter

10 more killer Raspberry Pi projects (Collection 2)

Raspberry Pi Magazine Issue 56 Includes “Incredible Raspberry Pi Projects”

Pi flies!

 Drones that can be programmed tend to be tiny and pricey, but the Pi0drone, which runs Debian on a Raspberry Pi Zero interfaced with an Erle Robotics PXFmini autopilot controlling a HobbyKing Spec FPV250 Quad Copter ARF Combo Kit, is about 10 inches across and the entire setup costs about $200! The drone can be flown using a traditional RC controller, over Wi-Fi via a gamepad, or over Wi-Fi using ROS (Robot Operating System); there’s a how-to video on YouTube showing the basics of ROS-controlled flying.

 I sing the home and garden electric!

An index of Gearhead RPi goodness and IoT coolness


Transmitting FM, AM, SSB, SSTV and FSQ with just a Raspberry Pi



Building a Ham Transceiver with an RTL-SDR, Raspberry Pi and Rpitx




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