
Showing posts from 2016

Turn any hard drive into networked storage with Raspberry Pi

How the transistor works

Raspberry Pi in the sky: How to build this awesome $115 airplane tracker

Every rod connetor

3D Printable Robotic Telescope You Can Build

Microscope Webcam Hack

Framed Kites for Lifting

PCB Heatbed


How to build a RepRap Prusa i3

Build Your Own Raspberry Pi-Powered Telescope


Essential Machining Skills: Working with a Lathe, Part Two

Waste plastic extruder

DIY 3D Printing

Open Building Institute

OpenScad beginners tutorial

Hiren's BootCD 15.2

Problem: "NTLDR is missing"

Homemade Bicycle Generator - people power for off grid living

Homemade tractor 4x4

Homemade Compressor For Small Workshop

Homemade silent air compressor

3dpBurner. 3D printed laser cutter/engraver

Open source microscope accessories

The tricorder

Easy Lathe Milling Attachment

Build your own 3D Printer: Which hotend to pick!

J-Head Mk V-BV kits (0.35mm Nozzle for 3mm Filament Obey Original Design)

Fabrication d'un tube Triode

Introduction to Using Squid Web Proxy Server

How to calibrate the Extruder on your 3d Printer

Wade's Geared Extrude

Assembling a Wades Extruder

Prusa i3 - Extruder Assembly Part 1/3

RepRap Prusa i3 Assembly Guide p3 - Extruder Assembly

How to Use Lidar with the Raspberry Pi

Impressively skilled brick layers, Vault contructión.

Casa Cerâmica 2013 - FEICON 2013


Argentine Grill & Brick BBQ Smoker Time Lapse

GSM Proximity Alert with GPS Location and TIme

Building MirrorMirror